Saturday, June 18, 2016


Here we sit, my favorite travel buddy Melina and I. We're waiting to board the first of two flights to Rome. As in Italy. As in the ancient city where a lot of stuff has happened. For years and years and years. I can't wait to walk the streets, see the sights, smell the smells, taste the food, hear the sounds, and meet Romans and other peeps. After school ended for the year yesterday, my excitement became almost uncontrollable. I'M GOING ON AN ADVENTURE with my favorite adventuring buddy. Here we goooo!!!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Two weeks until liftoff

In two short weeks, I will be traveling to Italy, France, and England with Melina! Whoop! Whoop! I am so stinkin' excited! In fact, I don't allow myself to think about it too much or my belly will get major butterflies and turn into an upset stomach.

However, I love imagining myself strolling along the cobblestone streets of Italy with my favorite daughter, sipping a cafe latte, and eating a fresh piece of bread while seeing what I imagine to be the most beautiful architecture of all time.

I can't wait!!!!